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The Postgraduate Program in Special Education (PPGEEsp) at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) has the mission of training qualified professionals to work with people considered target-audience for Special Education.  This includes people who are deaf and people with functional diversity, including those with disabilities, with autism spectrum disorder and gifted, who need support as well as specialized complementary and supplementary services to access, remain, and participate in different educational contexts. PPGEEsp´s primary goal is to qualify and train professionals in education and related fields to design, implement, manage, monitor, evaluate results and guide actions and programs in Special Education within an inclusive perspective. Currently, PPGEEsp upholds two lines of research: the first is called Education, Assistive Technology, Accessibility and Culture and focuses on accessibility dimensions as a means of guaranteeing the right of the target-audience for Special Education to participate and learn in different contexts, notably at school and in the work environment. The second line is called Teaching and Learning Processes within a Special Education Perspective and is centered on interventional practices, including the implementation of public policy actions that enable this population to learn. Currently, PPGEEsp has a multidisciplinary staff, composed of 19 researchers with degrees in Education, Psychology, Speech Therapy, Design and Physiotherapy. The research topics investigated by these faculty members focus on systematizing formative actions for scientific and technical development of specialists who will work with educational processes in the field of Special Education within an inclusive perspective.