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About Us - Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Urbanos e Regionais - PPEUR  is linked to the Instituto de Políticas Públicas (IPP) of the Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). It offers training at master's and PhD level. The objective of this program is to investigate urban and regional dynamics, focusing on the benefits that can come from public policies of the state and from the performance of the third sector. Discussions cover different spatial scales, as well as public policy formulation and implementation processes. The course is aimed at training professionals interested in working in interdisciplinary teams, both in academia – particularly in research and teaching, and in public institutions and the third sector – in research, design and implementation of projects. In the market, these professionals will also be able to work in consulting and planning companies. Research - The program is organized into two main research areas: I) URBAN AND REGIONAL DYNAMICS and II) PUBLIC POLICY MANAGEMENT.


- Cities and Urban Dynamics
-  Rural Spaces and Territorial Dynamics


- State and Public Policies

- Society, Environment and Development

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/ppeur.ufrn/  

 Contact - Phone: +55 (84) 3342-2224 - Extension: 404 - Whatsapp: (84) 99229-6515 -

E-mail: ppeur2@cchla.ufrn.br; ppeur.ufrn@gmail.com

Coordinator: - Prof. Sara Raquel Fernandes Queiroz de Medeiros.

- Phone: 84 9 9669-0533 - sara.medeiros@ufrn.br

Deputy Coordinator: - Prof. Zoraide Souza Pessoa - Phone: 84 9 9229-6514 - zoraidesp@gmail.com

Administrative Secretary: - Rosangela Camara Costa - rosangelcosta@gmail.com

Bairro Lagoa Nova, CEP: 59078-970 | Natal – RN – Brazil