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The Postgraduate Program in Teaching Natural Sciences and Mathematics (PPGECNM), linked to the Center for Exact and Earth Sciences (CCET) of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), began its activities in 2002. Created as a professional master's degree, its focus area is the Teaching of Sciences and Mathematics and is aimed at training in-service teachers who work in the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Sciences and Mathematics, both in Basic Education and in Higher Education, preferably in the public education system.

In response to its demand, the Program has received teachers from both the capital and the interior of Rio Grande do Norte (RN) and from other states in the North and Northeast (Pará, Bahia, Paraíba, Piauí, Ceará), constituting an integrative training center.

The PPGECNM proposal considers the following among its training objectives:

to provide graduate students with the tools to reflect on and reshape their teaching practices and produce knowledge that can be disseminated in the teaching of natural sciences and mathematics;

to provide a foundation in scientific content and current teaching methodologies;

to create conditions for the continuity of studies, research and professional training in order to establish a continuous dialogue between scientific knowledge and academic knowledge;

to emphasize interdisciplinarity as an essential factor in the training and professional practice of graduate students;

to contribute to greater exchange with other national and international teaching and research institutions.

With these objectives, the PPGECNM is committed to contributing to the improvement of teaching and learning processes, through the training of teachers who work in the educational system, whether through direct action in the classroom or through action in non-formal educational spaces where the teacher's role is fundamental.

To this end, the Program has a faculty comprised of professors from the Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, Microbiology and Parasitology, Zoology, Physiology and Behavior, Education and the Distance Education Department of UFRN, who work mainly in undergraduate programs and have research experience in the area of ​​education, especially those focused on the area of ​​concentration of the PPGECNM.

The current research lines of the PPGECNM and the research projects linked to them address issues related to the Teaching of Science and Mathematics in their philosophical, epistemological, historical and socio-cultural dimensions. The works (dissertations) produced by master's students originate from the research developed within the scope of the research lines.

Based on the projects developed, the Program frequently offers activities that aim to promote and facilitate the inclusion of our production in the national and international scenario, such as events, courses, lectures and seminars. These activities, for the most part, involve researchers from other institutions, both national and foreign, and are also carried out by PPGECNM professors in other postgraduate courses.

In other areas of this website you will learn a little more about PPGECNM, its activities, professors, students, curriculum and others.