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07) Registration in selection process via GOV.BR

As of October 1st, 2022, the access to SIGAA to request registration in the selection processes of PPgMAE/UFRN must be made:

o acesso ao SIGAA para solicitar inscrição no processos seletivos do Programa de Pós-graduação em Matemática Aplicada e Estatística deverá ser feito:

(1) directly from the Federal System gov.b(https://www.gov.br/pt-br) OR
(2) Using the SIGAA interface, which will direct the candidate to gov.br, when trying to access SIGAA to search for Strictu sensu selection processes (https://sigaa.ufrn.br/sigaa/public/processo_seletivo/lista.jsf?aba=pprocesso&nivel=S) and/or Latu sensu selection processes (https://sigaa.ufrn.br/sigaa/public/processo_seletivo/lista.jsf?nivel=L).

If the candidate has a login in gov.br, this and the password must be entered and the gov.br system will redirect to SIGAA, for the candidate to start the registration request following the instructions on the Public Notice of the process. If the candidate doesn't have a login, the go.br system will direct to a form page to be filled for the login creation. After generating the login, the first access to the system will ask for the candidate consent to share personal data from the registration request with UFRN. To proceed, the candidate must click on the blue button "authorize". Then, the candidate will be redirected by gov.br to the SIGAA and will be able to start the registration request according to the instrucions and requirements contained in the selection process Public Notice. The candidates will also find information on how to use gov.br to access the PPgMAE Selection Process on the *Manual com orientações para acessar.