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It is a cooperation network – involving world-class teaching and research institutions (and the two rocket launching centers in the Brazilian Northeast region) in aerospace studies, whether in engineering and technology, whether in space sciences or applied atmospheric sciences, in addition to relying on topics on strategic geopolitics and regulation of the use of Space.

The PPGEA starts its actions with an academic master in Aerospace Engineering. Respecting the singularities of a program imparted through an association of institutions, it involves 4 (four) main HEIs (UFRN, UFPE, UFMA, UEMA) and 6 (six) collaborating research and/or application institutions (CRN/INPE, CLBI, CLA, CETENE/MCTIC and AEB).

The program is linked to CAPES’s area Engineerings III, and its purpose is to promote the education/training of human resources in a strategic area from a national and regional perspective, contributing to the regional development and to the consolidation of Brazil as a member of the select group of nations with access to space.

Profile of the graduate:
The program’s purpose is to provide education/training to professionals from undergraduate programs in the field of Engineering, Exact Sciences and related areas of Science and Technology, with 4 (four) distinct emphases:

(1) Space Sciences;
(2) Atmospheric Sciences;
(3) Hypersonic;
(4) Aerospace Materials and Technologies

The program also has topics in Strategic Geopolitics and foundations on the use of the Space, providing the graduate with basics on the challenges to be faced by professionals of such an innovative and pioneering area. The graduates shall be apt to conduct research and/to work as specialists in public or private institutions in the aerospace field, such as, Rocket Launch Centers, Research Institutes, Universities and private high technology companies.

The activities related to the Master’s degree program in Aerospace Engineering and Sciences of the Graduate Program in Aerospace Engineering, with a single area of concentration in Aerospace Sciences and Technologies, shall be conducted in UFRN’s, UFPE’s, UFMA’s and UEMA’s campuses.
The program shall be divided into semesters, with annual admission. The credits shall be distributed as follows: 08 mandatory credits in the courses “Applied Mathematics Topics” and “Strategic Geopolitics”, 08 credits in electives within each line of research and up to 08 credits in general electives.